
Coaching Skills for Effective Leadership

Coaching is a critical skill in a leader's toolkit to help unleash the potential in employees. Knowing when and how to use the skill is fundamental if one wants to have effective conversations.
Coaching Skills for Effective Leadership goes beyond the basics of learning a coaching model, asking questions, and listening. It focuses on how a leader develops a coaching mindset to coach for performance, engagement, and growth.
By the end of the workshop, participants will:
Gain a comprehensive understanding of the key concepts and principles of coaching.
Be equipped with the skills and techniques needed to coach their teams effectively, including active listening, questioning, and giving feedback.
Practice and receive feedback on their coaching skills through hands-on activities.
Learn a set of best practices for coaching and a plan for putting what they have learned into action in their own organizations.
Duration: 1 or 2-day programs
Prerequisite: Some experience coaching staff/employees